Lasting Beauty


Clare Connolly

Non-Surgical Aesthetics Practitioner

Clare Connolly, a Registered Nurse for 18 years is highly experienced and fully insured health care professional and prescriber along with a Masters Degree in non-surgical Aesthetic Practice.

Consultation (Redeemable on treatment) £25

Clare Connolly Aesthetics

Anti Wrinkle Injections

1 area £150
2 areas £190
3 areas £220
4 areas £250
Jaw Slimming £250
Excessive Sweating £350

​Dermal Fillers

Nasolabial / Marionette/Upper Lip (1ml) £220
Tear Trough £325
Cheeks/Chin/Jaw 1.2ml £280 2.4ml £480 3.6ml £680
Lips 0.5ml £160 0.7ml £180 1ml £220


Anti-aging product that stimulates collagen and elastin to improve hydration and elasticity in the skin.

First 2 treatments £480 (one month apart)
3-6 month Maintenance £240 (one treatment)

aesthetics clare cheryl
profhilo product